

MBABANE – The Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy is aiming at enhancing access to groundwater sources across the country.

As a way to ensure that many Emaswati have access to the groundwater sources in the country, the Ministry, through the Department of Water Affairs, will be having a National Groundwater Conference. The conference will, which will be held on October 23 to 24, 2024, will bring together experts in this industry to share knowledge and expertise on how to make the industry better so that quality services can be delivered to the nation.

According to a press statement issued by Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy Principal Secretary (PS) Lindiwe Mbingo, this important conference, with support from the SADC Groundwater Management Institute (SADC-GMI), will focus on enhancing water access through sustainable groundwater resource development and management.

This is a vital opportunity for stakeholders from across the country to come together and share their knowledge, experiences, and best practices in managing this precious resource, according to Mbingo.

During the conference, important issues will be discussed. They include:

• developing strategies to be used to sustain groundwater sources for future use.

• reviwing existing policies and proposing new regulations for future challenges.

• discussing how climate change affects groundwater and how to adapt management practices.

• exploring new technologies that can be used to manage groundwater.

• involve members of the community in policy formulation to ensure that diverse views are considered.

• sharing current information and identifying gaps in information that need to be addressed.

• getting the public and private sector to help in finding ways of financing groundwater management initiatives.

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