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… As NMC, ESWADE and MoA host Legumes Value Chain Innovation Platform


Ezulwini – ‘Innovative agronomic practices for higher output’.

This was the theme in today’s meeting for legume farmers. The meeting was organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Maize Corporation, and the Eswatini Water Development Enterprise (ESWADE), at Bethel Court in Ezulwini.

“This meeting is very important because as NMC, we are on the market side of production, whereas the value chain is vast,” said the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of NMC when welcoming legume value chain players to the meeting.

He noted that the final goal of their industry is to feed the consumer in the value chain, hence all players within it have to highly cooperate to sustain everyone in the value chain. He emphasised that the issue of food security is everyone’s concern, which requires that value chain contributors have an understanding of what affects different parts of the value chain, especially in terms of cost.

Dr Shongwe also encouraged participants in the meeting to listen to each other, as cooperation is required in the sector.

“I want to thank you as farmers for selling to us so we can optimise the sale to retailers,” said Dr Shongwe.

Shongwe also revealed that they have tried to improve the prices with which they procure produce from farmers.

The workshop went on for 4 more hours after the CEO’s introduction. Some of the topics which were covered include agronomic recommendations for dry beans in terms of cropping systems, time of planting and varieties.

The Centre for Financial Inclusion made a presentation on the farmer oriented FINCLUDE intervention programme, which has trained about 364 farmers on bean production – said farmers have allocated 243.5 hectares of land for bean productions. The CFI has also promoted linkages and formal market supply for the farmers.

The NMC also made a presentation on the different interventions they have in the country, and encouraged farmers to contact them to find out more about them.

The full meeting can be streamed from the NMC Facebook page.

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