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MBABANE– It will be a triple celebration for the Shepard brothers.

Local acts, the Shepard Brothers, will celebrate 10 years of their union as a group during a return to the Desperados Kuruman Charity Run stage.

The Charity Run event is hosted by Desperados Motor Cycle Club (MCC) and is celebrating 15 years of existence. The club has grown to be the biggest biking event in South Africa.

The event, which attracts over 6 000 attendees, is slated for 24- 26 February 2023 at the Mothibistad Stadium, Kuruman in the Northern Cape.

Sought for comment, Slinda Vilakati a member of Shepard Brothers, disclosed that it will be a double celebration for the group.

“We are very excited about this event because we were invited back in 2019 and that is when we made our debut performance. This is the second one to be hosted post-COVID-19 and we are excited as a group to be invited to share our art with Bikerville again. As a group, we will also be celebrating ten years of togetherness, meaning it will be a double celebration,” he said.

He continued: “We are prepared to celebrate our 10 years with Bikerville and we know what is expected from us. We will ensure that we live up to our good reputation as a group,” said Vilakati.

Vilakati further revealed that most of the gigs they had been to in South Africa were mostly through Bikerville.

“Most of our performances in South Africa have been through the good word put in by Bikerville. We are grateful for their unwavering love and support. They have been good friends to us and they always look out for us. We have found a home at Bikerville,” said Vilakati.

About Shepard Brothers

The Shepard Brothers are a trio from Eswatini made up of a DJ, Drummer, and Fire Performer. They have brought art into performing dance house music, fusing elements of deejaying drums, dance, and fire acrobats.

About Desperados Motor Cycle Club

Desperado MCC is one of the biggest motorcycle clubs in South Africa. It has a membership of 80 bikers spread across SA. Northern Cape and Gauteng regions however have the highest concentration.

Kuruman Charity Run has grown into the premier event in the Northern Cape and the biggest event on the black biking calendar in South Africa.

Over the years, the event has attracted sponsors like the Northern Cape Tourism Authority.

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