

MBABANE – Three places in Eswatini have been identified as suitable for production of electricity using the geothermal method.

This is contained in the 2024/25 first quarter performance report of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy. The three areas include Lobamba, Mkhoba, and the Lubombo Plateau. The areas have been identified by Eswatini Electricity Company (EEC), in conjunction with a power production company from Kenya.

“On the geothermal power generation project, a reconnaissance study was conducted by EEC through a utility-to-utility partnership with Kenya Generation Company (KenGen). The study revealed that there are three potential sites with a geothermal power generation potential in Eswatini, at Lobamba, Mkhoba, and the Lubombo Plateau. These sites will be studied further through geoscientific studies which are expected to be completed in the last quarter of 2024,” states part of the report.

According to the report, the EEC continued to work on the security of power supply regarding the development of a 10 MW Maguga Expansion Hydropower Plant, the technical assistance advisor concluded all outstanding studies which were necessary to compile a basic design for the plant.

These studies, amongst others, included topographic, bathymetric, hydrological, climate change, reservoir routing, and energy production studies. The basic designs were then finalised, and preparation of tender documents commenced and were issued to the market in May 2024. A power purchasing agreement has been signed with an Independent Power Producer (IPP) for the provision of 13.6MW.

The report also states that Eswatini Regulatory Authority (ESERA) continued to work on the procurement of power projects from Independent Power Producers. On the procurement of 75 MW Solar PV, the appointment of preferred bidders for projects totaling 45 MW was completed in April 2024.

Two projects with a total capacity of 30 MW are still undergoing negotiations. A conditional notice of award has been granted to one bidder with a capacity of 20MW biomass plant aimed at providing baseload power. Furthermore, a procurement of 80 MW biomass power from co-generation facilities in Eswatini by way of a Third Tranche procurement programme has commenced with a Request for Proposal (RFP,) launched on May 24, 2024 by way of a limited tender.

The Department of Energy in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy has identified 2 141 new beneficiaries that were approved by the Select Committee on Rural Electrification (SCORE) to be funded from the Rural Electrification and Access Fund (REAF). Furthermore, 3 934 beneficiaries were approved under Network Re-inforcement and Access Project (NRAP) Phase 4 group schemes.

All these beneficiaries were submitted to EEC for implementation. Customer education was conducted with EEC for approved schemes. The list of ready boards’ beneficiaries identified under NRAP Phase 2 & 3, were approved by SCORE and submitted to EEC for implementation.

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