

MBABANE – The Ministry of Health has already subvented E96 423 616.50 to different health facilities and other organisations in the country.

The money has been paid from April 2024 to June 2024, which is the first quarter of the 2024/25 financial year. The Ministry of Health has budgeted E387 494 466 as a subvention to the establishments. According to the 2024/25 First Quarter Performance Report of the Ministry of Health, 20 organisations, including hospitals and clinics have benefitted from the above-mentioned amount.

Bethlehem Clinic has received E1 028 366 and its yearly budget is E4 113 464. Bethlehem Clinics Health Institution consists of 4 clinics: Magubheleni, Lushikishini, Mbikwakhe and Cana. Services provided are antenatal clinic, prevention of mother-to-child transmission services, postnatal clinic, growth monitoring and immunisation, curative services, HIV testing and counseling, TB and ART initiation, and TB screening.

Baylor College of Medicine Centre of Excellence has already received E4 835 533.25 from a yearly budget of E19 342 133. Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation – Swaziland (BCMCF-SD), has three satellite clinics, which are in Manzini, Hlathikhulu and Bulembu. It provides comprehensive child-focused and family-centred HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services, tuberculosis screening, control and treatment, and treatment for other concurrent diseases, as well as providing technical advice to and on behalf of the Ministry of Health. The establishment also provides mother and child health services.

Catholic Clinics have benefitted E696 185 from a yearly budget of E2 784 740. The Catholic Clinics include St Mary Clinic, Regina Mondi Clinic, St Juliana’s Clinic with outreach at Maloyi Clinic- Luve, Florence Clinic, Our Lady of Sorrow, and St Phillip’s Clinic. Services offered include curative, diabetic and hypertension, dental, eye, maternity, HTC, ANC and child welfare, laboratory (minor diagnostic procedures) and pharmacy.

Cheshire Homes also benefitted from the Ministry’s gesture. The establishment got E475 000 during the first quarter of the 2024/25 financial year. The estimated yearly budget for Cheshire Homes is E1 900 000.
The services of Cheshire Homes of Eswatini (CheSwa) include, but are not necessarily limited to physiotherapy, occupational therapy, hydrotherapy, horse riding, education, counselling, and training of persons living with disability on self-care independence and home programmes. In addition, CheSwa is also involved in advocacy and sensitization of the public on the rights of persons living with disability.

Eswatini Breast Cancer Clinic got E125 000, from an estimated yearly budget of E500 000. Eswatini Breast Cancer Clinic has three free breast health clinics in Mbabane, Manzini and Hlathikhulu, and supports the work of the three original cervical clinics in the same locations. The organisation also runs national awareness programs, patient support programs, peer counselling systems, a tablet chemotherapy distribution system and a community walk annually.

Eswatini Epilepsy Association got E250 000 from a yearly budget of E1 million. The organisation provides a platform for epilepsy awareness, increasing public and professional awareness of epilepsy as a universal and treatable brain disorder, as well as identifying and mitigating the needs of people with epilepsy through agricultural projects.

Eswatini Medical and Dental Council got E133 940 from a yearly budget of E535 760. Eswatini Medical and Dental Council is an autonomous statutory, regulatory board for allied health workers and doctors. The council registers doctors and health allied workers and regulates these workers.

The Medicines Regulatory Authority got E75 000 and E300 000 has been set aside as its yearly budget. The authority coordinates and oversees the pharmaceutical sector for the purpose of protecting public health in the country.

Another organisation that got a subvention is the Eswatini Nursing Council. The Eswatini Nursing Council is an autonomous statutory, regulatory body that regulates, directs, and controls nursing & midwifery education and practice. The Council got E125 000 and its yearly budget is E500 000.

The Family Life Association of Eswatini (FLAE), formerly FLAS, got E194 450 and its yearly budget is E777 800. FLAE works in the area of Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights and HIV with a special focus on young people aged 10-24 years.

Good Shepherd Hospital got E31 693 047 and its yearly budget is E126 772 188. The Siteki-based hospital is a 225-bed regional health facility. The Hospital provides comprehensive medical and health care services, as well as community health care services. The services provided by the hospital include out-patient care, in-patient care, ART rollout, epilepsy outreach, public health, home-based care and palliative care services.

Hope House got E250 000 and it is expected to receive E1 million in this financial year. Hope House is a faith-based charity centre serving as a hospice facility, a home for the terminally ill, HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS-related illnesses. The centre serves as a halfway- house between the hospital and home for those in need.

Eswatini Health and Human Research Review Board got E75 000 and its yearly budget is E300 000. The board carries out an ethical review of all research to be conducted in the country involving human participants for the purpose of safeguarding the rights, dignity, well-being and safety of individuals and communities who volunteer to participate in research.

Hospice At Home got E981 355 and its yearly budget is E3 925 420. Hospice at Home’s main focus is providing palliative care to patients with life-limiting conditions referred for home care. The organisation delivers services through the home-based palliative care model.

Nursing Examination Board got E100 000 from a yearly budget of E400 000. The Eswatini Nursing Council ensures that nurses and midwives entering practice in the country are competent/knowledgeable to provide quality nursing services. It conducts examinations for nurses and midwives, prescribe curricula, appoint examiners and grant examination certificates in relation to those examinations.

The Ministry of Health also subvented E50 000 to the Nutritional Council during the first quarter. The yearly budget for the Council is E2 million. The goal of the Council is to accomplish sustainable food and nutrition security and to eliminate all forms of malnutrition in order to have a well-nourished and healthy population that contributes effectively to sustainable development.

The Raleigh Fitkin Memorial (RFM) Hospital got E54 809 487.75 and the yearly budget is E219 237 951. The report states that the RFM budget trickled down to other health institution under the Swaziland Nazarene Health Institute (SNHI).

SNHI comprises a 350 bed and serves a population of 350 000. It also comprises of 18 Nazarene Community Health Clinics operating in the four regions of Eswatini. Services provided include health promotion, family planning, growth monitoring and immunizations, antenatal care including prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT), HIV counselling and testing (HTC), Emergency deliveries, Pre ART-Care and ART Initiations.

The Salvation Army Clinic serves a population of 28 000. Services provided are Psychosocial and spiritual counselling support and guidance to individuals and families affected by HIV and AIDs pertaining to their health welfare and safety, Clinical care and build community capacity to mitigate the effects of HIV and AIDs in the target communities. Government gave E325 000 to the Salvation Army and its yearly budget is E1.3 million.

The SOS Children’s Village got E76 252.50 and its yearly budget is E305 010. The organisation provides care and support to children at risk of losing parental care and children who have already lost parental care.

St Theresa’s health facility got E125 000 and its yearly budget is E500 000. Services provided are curative, dental, eye, maternity: HTC, ANC and child welfare, health education, PMTC & ART Initiation, CTX Initiation & Refills, NUP, Mother & Baby Pair, home visits (Follow Ups), Laboratory (Minor diagnostic procedures) and Pharmacy: Dispensing Clinic Level medicines.

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