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MBABANE- Women in Eswatini have been afforded an opportunity to join 25 countries to discuss current topics.

This was revealed by Africa Green Tec communications team on their various social media platforms, they mentioned that for other countries the event will be virtual. Set to take place on January 20, 2023, the one-day workshop will have five exciting keynote speeches with prominent experts on the current topics of the Club of Rome study.

The topics will include sustainable food system, overcoming poverty, sustainable energy, overcoming inequality, women empowerment.

According to the communication team, each country will be expected to look forward to 25-minute panel discussions, in German and English, on each key note topic with concrete solutions for the continent of opportunities.

“Travel to the continent of opportunities Africa with host Africa Green Tec – all without flying a single mile, and discover an interactive world! The social enterprise has been successfully implementing the topics of the Club of Rome study with its sustainable energy solutions since 2016. Gain exciting insights into the ‘how’ with an interactive model community including content from various countries in sub-Saharan Africa such as Mali, Senegal and Madagascar,” read the commutation piece posted on various social media platforms.

A number of women who showed interest in the one-day workshop said it was highly beneficial for the country and them.  Sebenele Dlamini said she would take the opportunity to ending poverty           

“This is a space that is going to allow women empowerment and help us in setting up sustainable food system and sustainable energy,” she said.

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