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MBABANE – Here’s a chance to collaborate with Southern Africa artists!

Applications to collaborate with other artists from the Southern African regions are now open.

The MTN Bushfire is calling for established musicians or singers in the Kingdom of Eswatini to apply for collabo-nation which offers musicians in Southern Africa a chance to showcase their musical talent by working with other artists with different genres in other countries.

This includes singers and musicians from Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Botswana and Zimbabwe.

During an interview with House on Fire Director, Jiggs Thorne, he mentioned that this project would inspire two regional collaborations annually.

“This project will inspire two regional music collaborations annually, nurturing cultural linkages between different regions, people, cultures, that call the African Continent home,” said Thorne.

“This is a new project that offers musicians the opportunity to join musical forces and create unique pieces of unique pieces of original cross-genre songs culminating in a performance at the MTN Bushfire Festival and a professional music Video,” said Thorne.
Thorne further mentioned that this was an opportunity for artists to grow their fan bases through collaboration.

“Collaborations facilitate the potential for discovery and exchange between Cultural ecosystems inspiring social cohesion and a dynamic creative narrative,” said Thorne.
“I would like to thank our amazing partners- Sound Connects Fund, an initiative by the Music In Africa Foundation (MIAF) and Goethe-Institute Johannesburg. The Sound Connects Fund is made possible with financial contribution of the European Union and the support of the organisation of ACP States,” said Thorne.

Artists interested in Collabonation can visit Applications close January 23, 2023.

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