MANZINI – Through the various programmes of the Baphalali Eswatini Red Cross Society (BERCS), over 263 500 people were reached with humanitarian assistance by the National Society in the year 2023/24.
This was reported by the BERCS Secretary General, Danger Nhlabatsi on Saturday (November 23, 2024), when the organisation held its Annual General Meeting at the Catholic Center in Manzini.
“We successfully provided medical assistance through our clinics in Mahwalala, Sigombeni and Silele, despite the economic challenges; through the support we receive from government,” said Nhlabatsi.
The Secretary General added that the organisation’s First Aid component had a reach exceeding 18 000 people at national events and commercial First Aid trainings. He lamented, however that natural disasters continued to challenge the country.
“In the year 2023/2024, we recorded more fires in the Hhohho region yet we often saw the higher numbers of fire incidents in Shiselweni. This time, Hhohho reported 56 fire incidents whereas Shiselweni reported 45. Manzini and Lubombo recorded 31 and 34, respectively. In total, out of all the reported incidents, 735 people were affected by these fire incidents. We wish that that the number of these unfortunate incidents would decrease because families and individuals lose their valuables and some never recover,” reported Nhlabatsi.
He further mentioned that in the year 2023/2024, some parts of the country were stricken with a severe hail storm that not only left structural damages but also psychological and emotional trauma. He narrated that these storms struck between November 2023 and February 2024 left a significant number of Emaswati affected. But the National Society was only able to reach 5 437 people. There were a number of schools affected as well; and BERCS could only assist four schools. The amount sourced from partners for these projects cost, E900 000.00 in total. Funding was sourced from Eswatini Sugar Association and Select Limited.
“During response, we had critical cases where families who had reported their plight after the storm were given tents to help them recover. And, because after three months, we collect the tents, when we went back to some of these families we found that their situation was so dire that they could not even afford to help themselves recover from the damage. Then we sought help from partners. Thus, seven houses were constructed for different families and 46 people benefitted from that assistance, while 319 children were restored back in class after their class rooms were renovated. We are grateful for such critical assistance,” narrated Nhlabatsi.
In the area of Food Security and Livelihoods, the National Society, supported by the British Red Cross, was able to assist 29, 850 people. According to the Secretary General’s report, these beneficiaries belonged to 4692 households. Out of which, 3012 received multi-purpose cash, 565 received fruit trees, 1385 received seeds and livestock; respectively. He elucidated that among these beneficiaries, each beneficiary received assistance in one category only. He also noted that the British Red Cross supported Food Security and Livelihoods project runs in two regions; Lubombo and Shiselweni, across six constituencies – Matsanjeni, Somntongo, Hosea, Lubulini, Nkilongo and Sigwe.