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….the A, B and Cs of grading

MBABANE – The Mbabane Town Council has since released new grading for eatery outlet under the town.

The monitoring of food premises in Mbabane is a crucial undertaking that ensures that food establishments adhere to high standards of hygiene while serving food to customers in Mbabane.

The inspection of food premises is governed by numerous legislation such as the Public Health Act of 1969, Public Health (Food Hygiene) Regulations of 1973 and other relevant legal instruments.

It is necessary for the municipality to create awareness and validate the state of the hygiene of the premises where food is prepared, handled and stored. The grading of premises also ensures that consumers have a choice to purchase goods in establishments of their choice. The grading of food premises is supported by the Sanitation in Food Premises By-Law which came into effect in 2001.

Benefits of Grading Food premises

The grading of food premises provide the consumer with knowledge of the condition of the premises that is selling food. It also allows the consumer to make an informed decision of whether to buy or move on to a place that carries a better grading card. It also encourages improved business standards through rewarding those businesses maintaining high standards of hygiene and notifying the consumer of those that don’t uphold those standards.

The type of premises that are graded include restaurants, butcheries, bakeries, convenience shops, Institutional kitchens and supermarkets. The grading activity is conducted bi-annually. In order for premises to obtain an excellent grade it has to meet all the requirements of food hygiene and safety.

Grading Criteria

A score sheet is used to assess the status of the premises based on the following inspection areas:

Building and surrounding area

  • Area should be free of overgrowth
  • Area should be paved and free of dust
  • Area should be free of litter
  • Floor, walls, ceiling should be clean and in good state of repair
  • Adequate Lighting and ventilation


  • Water Supply (hot and cold water to be provided)
  • Industrial Sinks (preferably stainless Steel) and wash hand basins
  • Appropriate equipment, durable and washable
  • Fixtures and fittings should be in a good state of repair, periodically serviced, be in good hygienic state.
  • Crockery and cutlery should be free of cracks and crevices

Food Items

  • Sourced from reputable suppliers
  • No food spoilage, adulteration or contamination
  • Temperature Control for products requiring temperature controls such as cold chain storage
  • Handling equipment food should not to be handled with bare hands, instead use of handling equipment such as tongs
  • Amount of food contaminated due to poor storage


  • Provided for both Dry and Wet Store
  • Proper shelving
  • First In and First out manner of storage
  • Separate store for toxic substances

Change rooms

  • Provided and separated for both males and females; lockers in place
  • In-house laundry facility recommended

Toilet Facilities

  • Provided for both males and females and further facilitate access by the physically challenged groups
  • Adequate and functional Fittings – Water Closet, Urinal, Wash Hand Basin, soap dispensers
  • Directional Signs – male and female

Personal hygiene and Personal Protective Equipment

  • Proper protective clothing should be worn (overalls and safety shoes)
  • Hair should be properly covered
  • No earrings
  • No wrist watches, bangles, necklaces
  • No talking over food, spitting, smoking, eating in work spaces
  • Wounds should be covered with waterproof dressing
  • Management should ensure exclusion of sick employees at all times.
  • Employees should undergo periodic medical check ups

Waste management

  • Adequate waste receptacles, preferably separate bins for both wet and dry waste
  • Ensure sewage is discharged into approved and operating systems
  • Avoid indiscriminate refuse dumps near food establishments
  • Avoid areas that attract vermin and pests such as pools of stagnant water, flies, cockroach etc.

Categories of Grading Cards in percentages

A= is rated between 90 – 100 (excellent)

B= is rated between 80 – 89 (good)

C= is rated between 70 – 79 (fair\average)

D= is rated between 60 – 69 (bad)

E= is rated between 50 – 59 (very bad)

Premises that obtain grades D & E are below the acceptable standard.

Posting of Grading Cards

Cards are posted in a conspicuous area within the food establishment. It is possible for premise owners to hide the grading card if they have performed below standard. Consumers are encouraged to report cases where the card is not visible. The posting of the cards is mandated by law; therefore, the public is encouraged to notify the health department as removing the grading card is an offence.

Status of the last Grading exercise:

In conclusion, generally food premises performed very well during the grading activity; that occurred during Jan 2021– March 2021), a higher number of premises scored between Grades A & B while premises that scored Grade C were reduced by 50% in comparison to grades obtained during (and (July 2020 – Sept 2020). There were no premises scoring Grades D & E. The increase in the good grades was as a result of improvements in personal hygiene principles, good housekeeping within the establishment and good state of repair of the structure.

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